ERP & Accounting
Dobra tarjoaa asiantuntevaa tukea Monitor ERP:n käyttöönotossa ja kirjanpidon hallinnassa, varmistaen saumattoman integraation yrityksesi taloushallintoon.

monitor erp
What is Monitor ERP?
Monitor ERP is, as the name suggests, essentially an ERP system designed for manufacturing companies. Monitor ERP has created a system where most of the functionalities needed by manufacturing companies are available in one system, making them popular among such businesses.
The modules available in Monitor ERP include manufacturing, purchase, sales, stock, time recording, and accounting. Having accounting directly in Monitor ERP offers several advantages for users. For example, it’s possible to track project costs and other financial aspects more accurately, reducing the risk of errors and providing a more efficient and transparent process for managing the company’s finances. Additionally, integrating the modules makes it easier to obtain real-time data, providing a better overall picture of the company’s financial situation.
monitor erp
Payroll and time recroding
In Monitor ERP, there is currently no payroll module available. This means that we need to use another program to process payroll for Monitor ERP customers. We have solved this by offering our customers Netvisor, where the customer does not need to do anything themselves with the program, and a small fee for the payroll program is added to our invoice. If the customer has their own program they wish to use for payroll processing, that is also possible.
Users can choose to clock their hours either in Monitor ERP or in Netvisor. Both programs have their pros and cons. By using time tracking in Monitor ERP, you can easily monitor project costs and integrate hours with other modules. In Netvisor, hours are already available in the program where they will be paid. To facilitate the use of time tracking in Monitor ERP for customers, we have created efficient systems/workflows that allow us to easily transfer hours from Monitor ERP to Netvisor without manual intervention or expensive third-party solutions. Once the salaries are paid, we smoothly transfer the salary verification documents from Netvisor to Monitor ERP.

monitor erp
Remote work in Monitor ERP
Currently, Monitor ERP is not available as a web-based system. This means that theoretically, we would need to be present at the customer’s location to perform the bookkeeping. However, it is not practical for us with the number of Monitor customers we have. Instead, we use remote desktops to connect to the customer. To reach the customer where they are, they need either:
1. An external server to which we can connect.
2. A computer used solely for our connection.
The advantage of option 1 is that it works very smoothly, and for large companies, it is also a security issue. The advantage of option 2 is that it is considerably cheaper than acquiring a server. All you need is a computer. If you have your own IT contact person, you can check with them for the cost and which option they recommend for you. If you do not have one or would like advice on how other companies have done it, you can call us for guidance.
monitor erp
Bank integration
Monitor ERP currently does not have its own integration capability with banks. This means that when we, as an accounting firm, need to pay, for example, purchase invoices or salaries, we must manually download a file from Monitor, which we then upload to the bank and use as the basis for the payments. This requires the customer to give us access to their bank.
Monitor has its own bank integration in progress, but it is still unclear when it will be released. Since customers usually do not want to give external users access to their bank, we can solve the bank integration with a third-party solution. The integration costs approximately €20-50 per month, and with it, we can make all payments directly in Monitor without needing access to the customer’s bank.
To make this work, a bank authorization and an agreement with the third-party solution provider are needed. Naturally, we assist with the entire process, so you only need to sign the authorization.