
Free up
Working time!


Free up Work time!

Recruitment is challenging and requires a lot of effort. Initially, it involves identifying how to attract applicants and which channels are effective, depending on the job position. Then, applications must be collected systematically and in compliance with GDPR rules. Finally, it’s essential to ensure that all applicants receive proper treatment, whether the response is positive or negative. All of this can be challenging if you don’t do it daily and lack the programs and structure to do so. By outsourcing recruitment to us, you can utilize the programs we use and ensure that all applicants receive the right treatment. At the same time, you free up a lot of work time that you can use to increase sales and grow your business.

Recruitment services

Why Should Recruitment Be Outsourced?

Recruitment services

When Should Recruitment Be Outsourced?

What kind of employees can we find?

Ask more and we'll find
together a solution.

Recruitment process

1. Order

The customer informs us about the job description and the requirements for the worker, including origin, language skills, experiences, and qualifications.

2. Search

We create and market job advertisements, proactively search through various channels, and collaborate with other companies for faster results.

3. Selection

We interview and verify the candidates' skills, and conduct reference checks to ensure a thorough selection process.

4. Presentation

We present candidates to the customer whom we believe are suitable for the position, and we send the customer a CV along with our assessment of the candidate.

5. Aptitude test

If the customer prefers to conduct their own interviews, we arrange a second interview round and facilitate aptitude tests as needed.

6. The customer chooses

The customer selects one or more from the remaining candidates, and upon approval, we ensure that practical arrangements are made so that the work can commence on schedule.

7. You have a new star on your team

The work begins. If the worker does not perform as agreed or if the worker terminates within 6 months, we search for a replacement free of charge.


Many companies choose to outsource their recruitment not because they couldn’t handle it themselves, but because they lack the time/tools for it and to provide applicants with prompt and professional service.

Dobra has channels, tools, and partners that make it easier for us to find candidates than if we weren’t working on recruitment daily. We also have routines in almost everything, so we can cost-effectively find individuals who fit the client’s company.


Data protection law also requires keeping track of what data can be stored and what should be deleted. This can be difficult if handling applications via email. By choosing us, you gain access to a data system that helps automatically keep track of candidates’ GDPR status.

Using external assistance to recruit workers simultaneously with conducting recruitment internally can pose the risk of both parties finding the same candidate. To avoid such situations, it is advantageous for the customer not to organize recruitment themselves simultaneously. However, if they choose to do so and a candidate applies to both, they are considered a candidate found by Dobra. This means that we have the right to invoice for a successful recruitment for that candidate.

The recruitment processes for personnel leasing and recruitment are largely identical, except for the agreement for the employee to be recruited. In personnel leasing, the employee is employed through Dobra and we lease out the worker to the customer, whereas in recruitment, the employee is hired directly as an employee by the customer.

If Dobra leases an employee, we take care of all employer obligations and the customer only pays for the hours worked. In direct recruitment, the person is hired directly by the customer, which means the customer pays a one-time recruitment fee for the recruitment, and then assumes responsibility for the employer obligations themselves.

The pricing of recruitment is based on the employee’s monthly salary. The fee charged by recruitment agencies for recruitment often varies between 1-3 times the monthly salary, depending on the difficulty of the task.

In addition to these costs, expenses such as newspaper advertisements and marketing costs may be separately invoiced, but a plan for this is always made in advance before the recruitment process begins.

When a customer orders a worker, we agree together with the customer on a worker profile and a recruitment timeframe. We then map out what type of worker it is and assess the likelihood of finding someone through job advertisements within the specified timeframe. We can provide advice based on past experiences, but it is the customer who ultimately decides on the course of action.

Anonymous recruitment is a suitable option when a company is looking for an employee but does not want the recruitment process to be public. Another advantageous situation for anonymous recruitment is when one wants to support an ongoing recruitment process by adding more alternative candidates and broadening the candidate pool.

A disadvantage of anonymous recruitment is that it may make it more difficult to attract candidates with the company’s brand, which can lead to fewer applicants. It is therefore important to carefully consider which approach is best for your company in the given situation.

En nackdel med anonym rekrytering är att det kan göra det svårare att locka kandidater med företagets varumärke, vilket kan leda till att färre söker tjänsten. Det är därför viktigt att noggrant överväga vilket tillvägagångssätt som passar bäst för ert företag i den aktuella situationen.

50% of the recruitment fee is invoiced before we start the search, while the remaining 50% is invoiced upon successful recruitment.

If, against all odds, we fail to find a candidate within the specified timeframe, we extend the application period at no extra cost. If this does not yield results, the remaining 50% of the recruitment fee is not invoiced, and the 50% already paid is refunded to you.

However, if we succeed in finding a suitable candidate, there is a guarantee period of 6 months. This means that if you are not satisfied with the candidate during this period, we will search for a new candidate for you free of charge.