Staff leasing

fast and
risk free

Staff leasing

Staffing service and personnel leasing

Personnel leasing or staffing service is a service where a staffing company searches for and hires an employee according to the customer’s needs and leases the person to the client company for a shorter or longer period. The client company can influence the type of worker they want and where the worker should be recruited from. By leasing labor, the client company reduces the risk of committing to workers, and it is a good way to fill in work peaks or seasonal work. Leasing a worker can also be a way to try out employees and then take them over for permanent employment if satisfied.

Staff Leasing

Why hired labor?

What kind of employees can we find?

Ask more and we'll find
together a solution


1. Order

The customer informs us about the job description and the requirements for the worker, including origin, language skills, experiences, and qualifications.

2. Search

We create and market job advertisements, proactively search through various channels, and collaborate with other companies for faster results.

3. Selection

We interview and verify the candidates' skills, and conduct reference checks to ensure a thorough selection process.

4. Presentation

We present candidates to the customer whom we believe are suitable for the position, and we send the customer a CV along with our assessment of the candidate.

5. Aptitude test

If the customer prefers to conduct their own interviews, we arrange a second interview round and facilitate aptitude tests as needed.

6. The customer chooses

The customer selects one or more from the remaining candidates, and upon approval, we ensure that practical arrangements are made so that the work can commence on schedule.

7. Execution

The customer hires the worker from Dobra, and we take care of the administrative work. After 8 months, the customer has the opportunity to hire the worker directly into their own company at no cost.


1. The customer receives a quotation with a coefficient (usually 1.5 – 2.0).

  • The quotation usually includes:
    • Salary
    • Holiday allowance or lieu of leave
    • Possible holiday bonus
    • Mandatory employer contributions
    • Company healthcare
    • Sick leave costs
    • If needed: Accommodation arrangements for the worker
    • If needed: Registrations with authorities


2. The customer chooses a salary they wish to offer.

  • The customer communicates a salary range during the ordering phase and can specify the salary separately for each candidate at a later stage.


3. We invoice the following:

  • For each worked hour:
    • The salary determined by the customer * coefficient
    • Possible compensation for accrued time off (if applicable) * coefficient


  • For each worked hour with additional compensation:
    • Shift allowance * coefficient
    • Overtime allowance * coefficient
    • Any other additional allowances and compensations * coefficient
    • Bank holiday * coefficient

Most staffing agencies choose to invoice an hourly wage multiplied by a coefficient instead of having a fixed hourly rate. This is done to facilitate the transfer of the worker to the client in a straightforward manner if the client desires it. By allowing the client to determine the salary before hiring the worker, the company ensures that the employee has the same wage basis as others within the company. In this way, the client can take over the worker without needing to make changes for the employee.

The manditory employer contributions are applied to compensation for accrued time off (pekkanen), supplements, and days off. If we were to invoice a fixed cost, the expenses for, for example, overtime work would increase significantly more for us compared to those who hire the worker.

Bank holidays are invoiced separately because it is the customer who decides when during the year the worker should work. To avoid the customer paying too much or too little depending on when the days off occur, we have chosen to invoice these separately. This way, the customer pays the actual cost instead of an average.

Jacek Kucharski

STH Steel
It's fun to work at Dobra. Cooperation goes smoothly and easily. Employees' matters are handled professionally and quickly. I can warmly recommend Dobra as an employer.

Alexander Lassfolk

STH Steel
Dobra's service is personal, so the onboarding of new staff is very smooth. The employees are professionals who know their job, so both communication and doing the work itself goes smoothly. If an interpreter has been needed, it has been taken care of for Dobra. We are very pleased with the cooperation!

Daria Kapusta

We find the right employee for the right job. We are always involved from the beginning of the recruitment process until the end of the employment contract. We offer professionals in their field of work, and we can promise our customers a smooth staffing process.


The client can terminate the agreement without notice during the probation period. The probation period is half the duration of the agreement but not more than 6 months. If the client wishes to terminate the agreement after the probation period, the terms of the relevant collective agreement apply, or they can wait until the fixed-term contract expires.

Yes, the employee can be transferred to the client company for free after 8 months. If the client takes over the employee before this time, recruitment costs will be charged according to the offer.

The customer can choose the length of contracts with Dobra. If the hired worker is from Finland, the contract period is negotiable, but if a worker is recruited from abroad, we typically have a minimum contract period of 3 months. However, this does not mean that you are bound if the worker does not deliver as promised

The staffing agency can temporarily lay off a temporary agency worker who has a permanent employment relationship on the same grounds as in other employment situations if the staffing agency cannot offer alternative work. A temporary agency worker with a fixed-term employment contract, in principle, cannot be temporarily laid off.

During the period when the worker is hired by the client, it is the staffing agency that serves as the employer, responsible for salary payments, maintaining employment contracts, and other related matters. If the client later decides to hire the worker as their own employee, all these responsibilities are transferred to the client.

The main difference lies in the responsibility for the work. The client and the staffing agency share the responsibility for fulfilling the employer obligations, but the staffing agency takes care of the administrative employer tasks while the client is responsible for the introduction and workplace safety issues. A hired employee should have an equivalent position to the company’s own employees.