
A More Efficient Way
to Manage HR Matters!


Why outsource HR services?

HR outsourcing is especially beneficial for companies that do not have their own HR department or personnel but still require HR services. This approach provides our clients with the opportunity to receive expert HR assistance without the need to hire permanent HR staff. It means that the company does not have to commit to the costs associated with a fulltime HR staff, such as salaries, training, and workspace. Instead, our clients can leverage the flexibility of HR outsourcing. They only pay for effective working hours when they need HR services, whether it’s for payroll management, HR administration, or other HR tasks. This saves the company resources and allows them to focus on their core business while HR services are handled professionally and cost-effectively through outsourcing.


What Services Can We Offer?

Contact us

Anna-Karin Snellman

Anna-Karin Snellman

Recruitment manager
+358 50 350 0127

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